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A strategy that alters the heartbeats.

Experiencias Gastronómicas 

Desarrollamos experiencias gastronómicas a través de los sentidos integrando luces, sonidos e imágenes que alteran las percepciones del sabor para que tu marca sea inolvidable.

A través de Cenas y Catas Multisensoriales se combina la estimulación de varios sentidos para generar diferentes sensaciones gustativas.

La mejor forma de potenciar tu marca, es estimular al mismo tiempo diferentes sentidos y conectar tu marca de forma emocional.

Contamos con el respaldo de nuestro consultor científico Felipe Reinoso, PhD en Experience Design, Doctor en Psicología KULeuven, con amplia experiencia académica internacional. 

He has consulted for the City of Brussels, Bang & Olufsen, various craft beer and chocolate brands, as well as participation and experience design in the Jägermeister Global Campaign.

Experiencias Digitales 

We combine digital developments with senses such as smell, hearing and touch, allowing you to create immersive experiences that connect your customers to your brand in an unforgettable way.

Experience Kit

Equipped with interactive olfactory, visual and audio elements, it is the best way to combine the senses in a lightweight format that can be easily delivered to customers' doors for a unique experience that conveys the emotions of the brand.

We create innovative ways to display and present your products
using various senses in an impressive and innovative way.

Sensory Marketing Workshops

Sensory Marketing Workshop "How to connect your customers to your brand through a Sensory Marketing experience"at Universidad de la Sabana.

Otras experiencias

Virtual and augmented reality with smell, movement, 3D sound and interactive sound

Brand activations and 360 tours. Immersion including multiple senses.  

Digital Activations with smell. Make your digital advertisement an unforgettable experience, awaken your customers' senses and allow them to experience your products and services. 

Interactive games with smell, movement and sound. Carry your messages in a playful and fun way through the senses while you play.

Brand Recall Increase:



If we use
1 Sense


If we use
2 Senses


If we use
4 or 5 Senses

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Somos expertos en crear experiencias en marketing sensorial para tu marca

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